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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:1次

1、伤透了心的人,不会再幼稚了。 People who have broken their hearts will not be childish any more. 2、所有关系变淡的原因,一个不说,一个不问。 All the reasons for the weakening of the relationship, one does not say, one does not ask. 3、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。 As long as you have the will to fight, you are not afraid of no battlefield. 4、时间会替我告诉你,我爱你,都是真的。 Time will tell you for me, I love you, it's true. 5、有些人、有些事,无需挽留,还滚就滚,该散就散。 Some people, some things, do not need to retain, but also roll away, the scattered scattered. 6、重新自己的生活,即使是一个人。 Start your own life again, even one person. 7、我不怕路太远找不到终点,就怕两个世界画不成一个圆。 I'm not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, just afraid that the two worlds can't be drawn into a circle. 8、确认过眼神,你根本不是人。 I've made sure you're not human at all. 9、人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒! The essence of all human suffering is anger at one's incompetence! 10、垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪。未老莫还乡,还乡须断肠。 On the edge of the ridge, people are like the moon, and their white wrists are frozen with frost and snow. Don't return home before you are old. You must be heartbroken when you return home. 11、我不再年轻,只剩和你并肩生活的热情。 I'm not young any more, only the passion to live side by side with you. 12、我所看到的只是你的虚伪,你的眼里根本没有我。 All I see is your hypocrisy. There is no me in your eyes. 13、看轻别人很容易,要摆平自己却很困难。 It's easy to look down on others, but it's hard to deal with yourself. 14、突然好想忘记你、然后在你的世界消失。 Suddenly want to forget you, and then disappear in your world. 15、生活似一滩死水,没有任何波动。 Life is like a pool of stagnant water without any fluctuation. 16、不敢撒娇,因为没人惯着;不敢哭泣,因为没人哄着。 Dare not coquettish, because no one used to; dare not cry, because no one coax. 17、大胆一点,反正你只活一次,生命只有一次。 Be bold. You only live once. You only live once. 18、越是熟悉你的人,越知道捅哪里会让你痛。 The more familiar you are, the more you know where it hurts. 19、嘴巴不能说出来的东西,会从眼睛里流出来。 What the mouth can't say will flow out of the eyes. 20、我不相信手掌的纹路,但我相信手掌加上手指的力量。 I don't believe in the lines of the palm, but I believe in the power of the palm and the fingers. 21、任你去山高水远,你永远在我的心间。 No matter how far you go, you will always be in my heart. 22、平日里我默不语,酒吧里我重拳出击。 On weekdays, I'm silent. In the bar, I hit hard. 23、我的梦里有她,即使我在哭也请别吵醒我。 I have her in my dream, even if I am crying, please don't wake me up. 24、感情,就是把一个人纯纯的、暖暖的放在心上! Feelings, is a person pure, warm in the heart! 25、余生不用你指教了,祝你岁月无波澜,敬我余生不悲欢。 I don't need your advice for the rest of my life. I wish you a happy and happy life. 26、伤到甚时方无泪,情到甚时皆无语。 When hurt, there will be no tears. When feeling, there will be no words. 27、不知什么时后开始,我已学会依赖。 I don't know when to start, I have learned to rely on. 28、运气是失败者的借口,运气是成功者的谦辞。 Luck is the excuse of failure, and luck is the modesty of success. 29、我从不随意闹情绪,因为深知没人会哄我。 I never get emotional because I know no one will coax me. 30、我希望我是你的少数爱好,躲藏时充满快乐,炫耀时骄傲。 I hope I'm one of your few hobbies, full of joy in hiding and pride in showing off. 31、成功的秘诀,在于对目标坚忍不拔的追求。 The secret of success lies in the persistent pursuit of goals. 32、都说时间可以冲淡一切,而你却使我流年忘返。 It is said that time can dilute everything, but you make me forget. 33、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 Learning is an extremely precious thing. It is not shameful to absorb it from any source. 34、也许你只是我生命中的过客,只是我曾误以为你是主角。 Maybe you are just a passer-by in my life, but I mistook you for the leading role. 35、恍惚中,时光停滞,岁月静好。宛如十年前。 In a trance, time is stagnant and time is quiet. Just like ten years ago. 36、每天都是一个起点,每天都有一点进步,每天都有一点收获。 Every day is a starting point, every day there is a little progress, every day there is a little harvest. 37、爱情它可以让你忘乎所以,也可以让你生不如死。 Love, it can let you forget, also can let you live not like death. 38、不喜欢那种忽近忽远,忽冷忽热猜不透的感觉。 I don't like the feeling of being close and far away, cold and hot. 39、有种骨气叫做,无聊到死都不做作业。 There is a kind of backbone called, bored to death do not do homework. 40、得不到的爱人总归是风,强留千百次也会无踪。 Can not get the love is always the wind, forced to stay thousands of times will also disappear. 41、失望,有时候,也是一种幸福。因为有所期待,才会失望。 Disappointment, sometimes, is also a kind of happiness. Because of expectations, we will be disappointed. 42、怀着一颗感恩的心,忘记别人的缺点吧! With a grateful heart, forget the shortcomings of others! 43、人生苦短,若要为眼前失意叹息,未免言之过早。 Life is short. It's too early to sigh for the disappointment. 44、当我想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我。 When I miss you, will you just miss me. 45、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。 I don't know young frivolous, I only know the winner is king. 46、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。 After separation, my hands can no longer touch your temperature. 47、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。 Idle people take love as a business, busy people take love as a pastime. 48、以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。 After you will inadvertently think of me, please do not forget that I have loved you so deeply. 49、苦尽甘来,所以你来啦。 It's hard work, so you're here. 50、离开,有时候并不是你做错了什么,只是你不再被需要了。 Leave, sometimes it's not what you did wrong, it's just that you are no longer needed. 51、生活的悲剧性在于,我们老得太快,却懂事得太迟。 The tragedy of life is that we grow old too quickly, but we become sensible too late. 52、我在雷雨下的屋檐,午后点你来电。 I'm under the roof of thunderstorm. I'll call you in the afternoon. 53、突如其来的委屈,连笑都带着僵硬。 Sudden grievances, even with a stiff smile. 54、我不喜欢的东西,再好再贵在我心里也是垃圾,比如说你。 I don't like things, no matter how good or expensive in my heart is rubbish, such as you. 55、你说我是你的命,可分开的时候你也没死。 You said I was your life, but you didn't die when you separated. 56、从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。 From now on, I will no longer look forward to, just cherish what I have. 57、从此清风配酒,我一个人走。 Since then, the breeze with wine, I go alone. 58、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。 We all have to face the sun and live with pride. 59、我想给你幸福,却走不进你的世界。 I want to give you happiness, but I can't walk into your world. 60、无论成功失败,我要做第一个! No matter success or failure, I will be the first!






· 英语单词句子摘抄短句【114句文案】
