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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:2次

1、七夕之夜,面对皎洁的明月,让我郑重许下我的心愿:我要爱你,直到永远! On the night of Tanabata, facing the bright moon, let me solemnly promise my wish: I will love you forever! 2、只要你还远远地看着我,就不会让别人走进我的心扉,我的世界永远为你停留。亲爱的人,情人节快乐! As long as you still look at me from afar, you will not let others enter my heart. My world will stay for you forever. Happy Valentine's day, my dear! 3、句句心语,是我浓浓的思念和深深的祝福,永远系着你的温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,愿情谊永存。祝七夕快乐! Every word of heart is my deep yearning and blessing. It is always connected with your warmth and joy. No matter where you are, may the friendship last forever. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 4、亲爱的老公记住了:如果结婚后老公在情人节不送花给老婆,老婆就在家里的花瓶里插上一把青菜。 Dear husband remembers: if the husband doesn't send flowers to his wife on Valentine's day, the wife will put a green vegetable in the vase at home. 5、七夕虽是牛郎和织女每年一次见面的节日,但我能天天和你在一起,看你,亲你。亲爱的,你说呢?七夕情人节快乐! Although it's a festival for Niulang and Zhinv to meet each other once a year, I can stay with you every day, watch you and kiss you. Honey, what do you say? Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 6、七夕快乐呀。谢谢老公,只要爱对了人,每天都过情人节。 Happy Chinese Valentine's day. Thank you, husband. As long as you love the right person, it's Valentine's day every day. 7、真希望小路没有尽头,就这样手拉手一直走下去,让我们共同走完以后生命的每一个情人节,祝七夕情人节快乐! I really hope the path has no end, so hand in hand has been going on, let's walk together after every Valentine's day of life, I wish Happy Valentine's Day Tanabata! 8、你是我一切的出发点,想从你身边走出一条射线,却画了一个圆,才明白,你就是我生命中的圆心!祝七夕快乐! You are the starting point of all my life. I want to walk out of a ray from your side, but draw a circle. Then I understand that you are the center of my life! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 9、听说七夕这天恋人相互说句我爱你,就能在来年七夕不会分开,如果每年都说就永远不会分开。我爱你! It's said that lovers say to each other that I love you on Chinese Valentine's day, and they will not be separated on Chinese Valentine's day next year. If they say it every year, they will never be separated. I love you! 10、七夕之夜,写张给牛郎给织女的贺卡,让它飞翔在天际!写出你心中我心中的话语,永恒美丽的相遇!七夕节快乐! On the night of the Chinese Valentine's day, write a card to Cowherd and Zhinv, and let it fly in the sky! Write the words in your heart and my heart, eternal and beautiful meeting! Happy Chinese Valentine's day! 11、爱你是我的职业,想你是我的事业,抱你是我的特长,吻你是我的专业!七夕情人节快乐! Love you is my career, miss you is my career, hold you is my specialty, kiss you is my profession! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 12、老公,无论你选择妻子还是情人,我都是你唯一的选择,对么?对于我来讲,你就是唯一。老公,七夕情人节快乐! Husband, whether you choose a wife or a lover, I'm your only choice, right? For me, you are the only one. Honey, Happy Valentine's Day! 13、今天是七夕,流水落花夏去也,斜风细雨乍秋寒,七月七,我想你,爱你! Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar calendar. It's summer. It's rainy and windy. It's cold in autumn. On July 7th, I miss you and love you! 14、俗话说:火车不是推的,幸福不是吹的;七夕了,我要对你说:有你就是对的,心儿也会醉的。七夕情人节快乐! As the saying goes: the train is not pushed, happiness is not blown; on the Chinese Valentine's day, I want to say to you: you are right, and my heart will be drunk. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 15、生活的快乐,除了回忆还有希望。梦想的追逐,除了汗水还有笑容。祝老公你七夕情人节快乐! The happiness of life, in addition to the memories there is hope. The pursuit of dreams, in addition to sweat and smile. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day! 16、昨天你在我脑子里跑了一天,晚上你在我梦中陪了我一夜,我想说:谢谢你,你辛苦了!七夕情人节快乐哦! Yesterday you ran in my mind for a day. At night you stayed with me all night in my dream. I want to say: Thank you, you have worked hard! Happy Valentine's Day! 17、当星河都在变迁,你我却仍天各一边。但请相信,纵使万水千山,日日夜夜对你的思念从未曾改变。 When the stars are changing, you and I are still on each side of the sky. But believe that even though there are thousands of rivers and mountains, your thoughts have never changed day and night. 18、祝福喜逢吉祥日,七才故有山川气,夕月同辉咏心德,快乐生活每一天,乐与朋友闹开怀。 I wish you a happy and auspicious day. Only after seven days, can you enjoy the mountains and rivers. The moon and the moon sing the heart and morality together. Live happily every day. Have fun with your friends. 19、我不在乎你有没有钱,我相信你一定会有前途。七夕快乐! I don't care if you have any money. I'm sure you will have a future. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! 20、时间在变,地点在变,人在变,物在变;空间在变,年龄在变,声音在变,人生在变,唯一不变的就是我对你的心。 Time is changing, place is changing, people are changing, things are changing; space is changing, age is changing, voice is changing, life is changing, the only constant is my heart for you. 21、特别的爱,给特别的你,愿我的祝福像阳光那样缠绕着你,真诚地祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,七夕情人节快乐! Special love, to special you, may my blessing twine around you like sunshine, sincerely wish you health and happiness forever, Happy Valentine's day on Chinese Valentine's Day! 22、当七夕来临的时候,你不是一个人,因为我在思念你,我在牵挂你,微信到了,老公,七夕情人节快乐! When the Chinese Valentine's day comes, you are not alone, because I am missing you, I am thinking about you, wechat arrived, husband, Happy Valentine's Day!






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